Monday, September 21, 2009


Almost every night I have to read 'Snow Friends'. It's one of the favorites on Brooklyn's list. It's about three little animals who meet one another and together build a snowmen. Before the night is over they realize they now are friends and before leaving their snowman by himself they make him a friend as well.

Although it hasn't snowed here yet (thank heavens!!!) we did have some s'more goodies leftover from summer and I thought I'd attempt making a craft with my lovely toddler.

I'm not sure how much of the craft that she actually made but she did however have fun eating the goodies.

All we did was use stuff I scrounged up from around the house. A graham cracker, marshmellows, pretzels, mini chocolate chips, an orange skittle, and something to hold it all together (we used Elmer's glue but if you want them edible I would go for some frosting).

We had fun and she enjoyed seeing her snowman all day! I'm looking forward to all of the fun little crafts and treats we can make together in the future.

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